Clayton Kendall Platform
Consolidate all of your brand marketing in one single website
We aggregate your spend to achieve economies of scale and make it easy for your franchise community or locations to order on the best online platform. We also provide you access to the widest assortment of products in the industry.

We’ll create a customized corporate online store for all of your marketing fulfillment services
Your secure website will give your community and locations the ability to select their advertising and marketing tools from a central location with an easy-to-use marketing fulfillment program built to your specifications. Not only does this branded merchandise online store encourage more use of your company branded materials, but it also promotes brand compliance.
Benefits of Our Corporate Online Stores Platform
Best-in-Class Technology
Virtual Proofing
Digital Asset Manager
Secure Tiered Access
Management Reports
Budgetary Control
Custom Orders
Order Tracking
Order Resolution
LTO/Seasonal Auto-order Placement
Approval Workflows
Menu / Price List Flexibility
At Clayton Kendall, our corporate online stores provide your business with a streamlined marketing supply chain management solution.